Individual Parts
Audio Card
Audio Injector Zero. The audio card used in pi-Stomp.To ease assembly, these have been custom ..
Encoder knobs
The knobs used for the encoder shafts. No line indicator. Package of 2.Currently only av..
Footswitch Wiring
Jumpers with female dupont connectors used to connect footswitches to main board (W1-3).4 wires prov..
Halo LED Rings (3 pack)
Halo LED Rings used by pi-Stomp.This is a 3 pack. 1 each: White, Green, Blue.These have been c..
Nylon Hardware
All of the nylon hardware needed for assembly of pi-Stomp (HW1 thru HW11)Currently only available in..
Pi Stomp Circuit Board
The custom main circuit board for pi-Stomp version 1.0.1Currently only available in a parts bundle...
Power wiring
Dual power wire with male and female molex connectors for pi-Stomp (W4)Currently only available in a..
Pre-drilled Aluminum Enclosure
Custom enclosure for pi-Stomp version 1.0Milled, drilled, powder-coated, UV printedThe color is "Sof..
SPST Footswitches (3 pack)
Three footswitches required for pi-StompSPST momentary, normally open. Long thread.Currently o..
Analog Knobs
The knobs used for the analog pots (volume and "tweak"). Pack of 2.Currently only available in..