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Availability pi-stomp v3?

Started by triplea, November 20, 2023, 06:55:56 PM

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I have been playing Around with NAM on my Mac for a while. Reading some articles about mod dwarf I found pi-stomp. But actually it is not available. What is the actual state of the planed new v3? When will it be available?

Randall (Admin)

True, pi-Stomp Core (v2) sold out long ago.  v3 will be the next available kits.  v3 prototypes are working well.  We'll do a slight PCB change.  Firmware is mostly done.  We have enclosure prototypes.  Instruction and user manuals have been started.  We're still working out part supply issues and a few manufacturing issues, those are beyond our control and thus, the main unknowns.  So, I can't tell you when.  We're Hoping by February.  We'll update the news page and post something here when we have some more clarity.


Thx for your work.
Are you able to provide us with more details about the release date of version 3?


I'm not sure, if the project is still alive. The last "News" on the Web is from November 27 and the last time Randall posted here goes back to December 3.
So I am asking, if there are any activities and plans to release the new version in really near future?

Randall (Admin)

Yes, the project is completely alive.  v3 design is complete.  However, v3 is intended to be a much more refined product, as foolproof as possible, so there are many details to work out.  Since the kits will be mostly assembled, most of the remaining issues are manufacturing and part sourcing related.  Those activities are outsourced and I really have no visibility into the timelines.  Thus, I'm not able to give time estimates for when v3 might be released to the public.  I'd rather give no date, than to be late.


I am pleased to learn about the continuation of the project. I hope you will be able to release the new version soon.


Is there a chance that version 3 will be available for my son's birthday on July 15th?
In any case, thank you for your work.

:) :)

Randall (Admin)

I don't believe we'll be in full production mode by then, but might have some early kits available.  I'll let you know if it seems likely.


Hey Randall, I'd be happy to purchase and Beta-Test a V3 Kit if any become available. I run/own an Automation company in Perth, Western Australia, so can't imagine having any difficulties overcoming anything challenging, and I can provide you with some quality feedback before you release to the masses. In any case, congrats on what you have created thus far, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on and plugging into pistomp when V3 is released. Regards, Reece.


Is there any chance that v3 will be compatible with the pi5? I've seen people on other forums managed to get parallel nam amps and convolution reverbs working

Randall (Admin)

pi-Stomp v3 hardware can run with pi5.  Most things work, but pi-Stomp v3 includes WS28x addressable LED's (for footswitch and clipping indicators) and pi5 changed how PWM on GPIO works, so controlling WS28x LED's via PWM is currently broken for pi5:

Once that issue is fixed, we'll probably be able to standardize on pi5.

That said, I've run up to 3 NAM instances on a pi-Stomp powered with a pi4, or 1 instance with a normal set of other effects.  Works great.  So for now we're standardized on pi4.


@Randall, mp me if pre-serie is available ... thank you


How is the progress with v3 coming?



Some (good) news ?

Is PiStompV3 PI-5 compatible ?


Randall (Admin)

Yes pi-Stomp v3 is pi5 compatible.

There's just one sticky issue:

That means that the addressable LED's used for footswitch and signal/clipping indicators, don't work with the current software build.  But as you can see at the bottom of that issue thread, a kernel solution is being worked on.  Two of us have applied an experimental version to our v3's and it does work.

So, I have no doubt we'll have 100% v3/pi5 support soon, but we're waiting for a better baked solution before rolling it into the pi-Stomp software.

pi-Stomp v1 and v2 (core) already have 100% compatibility with pi5 since they don't include addressable LED's.  We have a beta pre-build with loads of upgrades and new features available here: