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White screen of purgatory

Started by SteveB526, November 20, 2021, 09:01:45 PM

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I got the white screen. Im guessing its gotta do with the connection from the audio injector.

Using ssh: I ran
'sudo journalctl -f -u mod-ala-pi-stomp' and saw this message.
"error:root:cannot connect to mod-host"

Im guessing its hw related but I'm hoping its sw related. Any ideas what may be happening?

TIA for any help!

Randall (Admin)

mod-ala-pi-stomp is the pi-Stomp specific service that deals with the hardware (LCD, encoder, switches, etc.)  For it to start successfully, it requires modep-mod-ui and modep-mod-host to be up and running.  modep-mod-host is then dependent on jack which requires the audioInjector card to be physically working and configured.  So the hierarchy looks like:

mod-ala-pi-stomp > modep-mod-ui > modep-mod-host > jack > audioInjector

You'll need to find which service is having a problem.

running 'sudo journalctl -f -u <service>' on each service name will probably reveal who's not happy.


So not sure what happened but last night the screen did not load but this morning the first time I turned it on and the screen came up. :)

I still don't have sound so I ran the line against the all the services and attached the logs here.
I'm also going to run through the troubleshooting page that goes over audio issues too.

Again thanks for your help!


lol and now back to white screen. i was troubleshooting audio and did a long press on the selector. screen did not react and seemed to freeze up so i turned it off and back and cannot get home screen again.

Randall (Admin)

Your mod-ala-pi-stomp, modep-mod-host and jack logs look normal.  That error in mod-ala-pi-stomp not being able to connect to mod-host is typical.  The stomp service comes up quicker than mod-host so it fails at first, restarts until mod-host is up, which apparently it was at 06:35:12.  So all was probably good then.

The mod-ui log looks a bit suspect though.   Are you able to access the MOD Web UI?

Are those logs are from when the screen was blank?

It's worth verifying that pisound services aren't running.  Those can muck with things.
% ps -ef | grep pisound | grep -v grep 

should return nothing.  if it does then run:
% ~/pi-stomp/setup/services/
% sudo reboot


yeah those were from the blank screen.
i can get to mod ui from my browser if I use ip address. If I try patch@patchbox.local it won't resolve and hangs trying to load pedal board.

Forgive my ignorance but when I run '% ps -ef | grep pisound | grep -v grep' with % I get an error that it doesn't recognize the '%' but if I remove the % seems to run and and returns nothing moves to the next prompt line. Not sure if the % is needed to run properly.

I tried re-working some solder points and to remove monitor screen but de-soldering is a B!@(. I probably shot myself in the foot at this point. I may be need to be ordering another pi-stomp board/parts and audio-injector card at this point as I'm thinking wiring is goofed.
Hopefully I get some funds from the holidays and can get that along with the new enclosure at the same time. I think I saw some a la carte options before to not include everything.

It ain't DIY without some fails along the way. :)

Again, thanks for all the help. I'll keep at it because I get hyper-focused!

Randall (Admin)

At least you have a good attitude about it.  I don't want you to scrap the hardware if possible, but feel like debugging via forum post is pretty slow turn-around.  How 'bout we zoom?  I'll send you an email so we can coordinate.


Did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same issue.

Randall (Admin)

For the LCD to display anything useful, four services (mod-ala-pi-stomp, modep-mod-ui, modep-mod-host, jack) need to be running and happy. 

See the 5th line of the Trouble Shooting Guide for how to diagnose with journalctl: