pi-stomp 1.0.2: footswitches fail self-test; encoders & pots pass

Started by collinsr, November 17, 2021, 07:32:31 PM

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Hi all--

I assembled my 1.0.2 and all the footswitches fail the self-test. The encoders, encoder buttons, and other components pass. I've also noticed that during bootup, only the middle LED ring lights up, dimly. I've double-checked the components on the board and don't see any soldering issues. I checked the switches with my meter and they're fine. The next thing I was going to try was to hook a switch directly to the pi, bypassing the debounce circuitry, and see what happens.  I'm wondering if I flexed the board too hard trying to mount it in the case and something went wonky in that corner of the PCB... Are there any continuity tests between components on the board I could make?

Randall (Admin)

Sorry you've hit a problem.  It actually sounds like it's likely a software issue.  I'm guessing that it's only the test that thinks the switches aren't working but they actually probably are.  A change was made 20 days ago in the footswitch code.  I manually tested that the footswitches worked correctly but forgot to run the automated test and see now that it is failing even though the footswitches are working.

Please try the following:
1) ssh to your pistomp
2) run this command: touch /home/patch/pi-stomp/pistomp/.hardware_tests_passed

That'll get you out of the auto-test loop.  If you load a pedalboard like Zeppelin which has all 3 footswitches assigned, hopefully you'll see that clicking the footswitch 1 and 2 toggle their assigned effects and that clicking FS1 changes the preset and long pressing toggles processing on/off (true bypass).

If not, let me know and we'll dig deeper.


Yep, that did it-- thanks! The switches work as expected.

My next problem is that I'm not getting any sound via the processing chain :) but I'll start a different thread for that.


I broke something ? =P

I don't see anything "obvious" looking at the test code, I'll try to run a variant of it adapted to "core" later

Randall (Admin)


Just confirming, I removed the manually-touched pi-stomp/pistomp/.hardware_tests_passed , updated, and rebooted; the hardware self-tests passed.

Thanks very much!

Randall (Admin)