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how to connect MIDI in/Out

Started by Asso, September 30, 2021, 03:18:43 AM

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at first I would like to tell that my first build was done and everything work like a charm. Thx

Now to my question, I bought the Adafruit MIDI FeatherWing Kit, but I found nowhere a description of how to connect it to the PI-Stomp.
Can you please tell me the pinning or send me a link?

Here is a test video with PIstomp in parallel loop if my Diezel Hagen, but it is in German.


Sorry, after writting this, I found the needed information.

Randall (Admin)

That video is awesome!  Nice playing and pedalboards you've created.  Unfortunately, only my last name is German, might need to find a translator  ;)

Regarding attaching the Ada MIDI Featherwing, I own one, but haven't soldered it up yet.  You probably already found this:

They did circle the critical 4 pins, but didn't label them because they assume you're plugging it into a Feather.  By looking at the feather pinout, I've added labels to the MIDI-Feather pinout below.  Attach to the corresponding pins on the pi-Stomp and you should be good.  If not, let me know.