If your last networking mode was WiFi, then upon boot, it should try to connect to your router. If it cannot (spotty reception, etc.), then it automatically goes into Hotspot mode, presenting it's own hotspot for you to connect to. Perhaps that's what you're seeing?
Regarding it showing the wrong IP, I believe that's an asynchronous issue. The IP is fetched when the pi-Stomp service starts, and sometimes that might be before the network connection is fully established. In that case, the IP shown is stale. We could change the software so that the IP fetch is executed when the info page is navigated to. But it's a fairly slow operation (takes maybe 2 or 3 seconds), so it would likely need to be blank for a bit, then filled in. Another option might be to schedule a fetch maybe 15 seconds or so after the pi-stomp service starts to give the networking time to settle.