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Pi Stomp navigation knob not working

Started by DontBlameMeImADrummer, November 30, 2024, 05:14:39 PM

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OK, I have thoroughly enjoyed building this pedal, but I have bitten off way more than I can chew here!!  Before this project, I have never even soldered a PCB board, and this is the first forum I have ever posted in.  PLUS, I'm a drummer.  So you have to talk slowly lol.

I had issues every step of the way.  The soldering was fun and I think I did really well there.  The instructions were laid out nicely.  The software side however, was very difficult.  I have never even used a raspberry pi before, so even setting up the initial steps were hard. Things weren't as easily step by step as they were on the physical build.  I don't fault anyone for that; I truly think a noob shouldn't START on a project like this right out of the gate.  But I did it!  I have notes from almost every step, and I'm surprised I made it this far, tbh. 

After initial setup and reboot,my pi pedal board came on, but was stuck on the 'pi stomp' screen and flashing white every 15 sec or so.  Went to troubleshooting and tried changing the audio card.  Whatever was audio card 3, actually worked.  I have no idea how I figured that out lol.  Installing the pi-stomp software timed out a few times, so I had to redo that step a few times. Perhaps that is the reason for my issues I am having?

So now, the unit comes on and loads up the pedalboard, but I have some issues.  I can't hear anything being played by my guitar through it, and my navigation knob doesn't work.  If I press it down, I can get into the system menu, but turning the knob does nothing. Is this a hardware or software issue?

Ugh, I'm so excited to have gotten this far and I don't want to give up but I'm not sure what to do from here.  Any help is much appreciated! TIA


Also, I just got my first pedal, TinyGain Mono, put into my patchbox local board, plugged in a guitar to IN and I'm not seeing the gain level change at all.  Meaning, I don't know if I'm getting signal even. Ugh.