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Topics - keyth72

General / GuitarML Plugins For Pi-Stomp
April 14, 2022, 04:35:16 AM
I have two LV2 plugins available for Pi-Stomp for anyone interested, an overdrive pedal and an amp. Both of these use machine learning to emulate a specific device.

TS-M1N3: TS-9 Pedal clone
DarkStar: Blackstar HT40 amp clone (gain knob modeled)

The LV2's can be downloaded from the Github page:

Let me know if you have any issues running them, they are a work in progress. These are not part of the MOD environment yet, so you have to push them to the Pi-Stomp manually, instructions are in the above link.

For more info on what GuitarML is and the kind of plugins I develop, see my website:


Reviews of pi-Stomp / Time lapse build video of Pi-Stomp
February 15, 2022, 11:56:14 AM
Made a time-lapse video of building the latest pi-stomp core with enclosure kit. Enjoy!
Hi, I am working on my first build of Pi-Stomp Core, and I made a mistake on the board and I'm trying to figure out the best way to proceed. I went through the entire setup (including power on and software/wifi setup) with the C6 capacitor in the C5 position (nothing in the C6 position). When I plugged in my guitar and enabled the pedalboard, there was no sound out, except for a quiet hiss. I hear the clean guitar signal when I bypass, and I hear sound out when I use generated sounds such as the drum beat generator. After unplugging and finding the capacitor mistake, I unsoldered/re-soldered the capacitor in the correct C6 position and tried again, but I am getting the exact same results. I also went through the steps in the troubleshooting guide (adjusting input level, restart sound engine, checked my guitar cables/connections and amp/guitar volume). I also rechecked the audio input jumper cables and solder joints.  On the pedalboard in the browser, when I use the gain pedal mentioned in the level setup step it's showing "-inf", so I'm guessing the input signal is not being processed.

My question is, did my capacitor mistake damage something and I need to get new parts, or is this unrelated to the capacitor and I should keep troubleshooting what I have?

Thank you,


P.S. I don't think this is a problem but wanted to mention it, when I used balenaEtcher to write the image, it always completed writing but failed at the end of the verification step that balenaEtcher does.  Now that I think about it I may try getting the latest Etcher, the one I have installed is about a year old. Everything seemed to work in setting up the pi-stomp software, and the lcd screen operation and communication with a remote browser works fine.

P.P.S. This issue sounds like what I'm experiencing:
Although I should note that I'm using v2 core and this issue is on v1. I'll can try the steps mentioned on that thread if it's pretty clear that the capacitor in the wrong place didn't damage anything (I wish I knew more about electronics!)