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Topics - DIYer Maker

Building pi-Stomp / PiStomp as a USB MIDI host
July 03, 2021, 05:43:16 PM
Hey everyone!

I did a little research on the Blokas site and came across a great way to get your USB midi controllers/keyboards to communicate with other gear, with the PiStomp as the host.

You can install either one first:

**the instructions are straightforward. This little program will automatically connect any midi devices detected.**

**also straightforward. With Instruction 2, get into the directory with    cd rpi-midi-hub   then     sudo ./
    I also loaded up the desktop GUI, located the rpi-midi-hub folder and executed the file using Terminal, just to be sure**

I'm using the PiStomp as a standalone effects processor for my Eurorack, and with these installed i can also use an iPad, Keystep, Korg SQ1 etc. with my Midi to CV converters.

Hope this is useful to you!
Reviews of pi-Stomp / My PiStomp build
April 16, 2021, 09:54:46 PM
Following the instructions in detail made this build really simple and straightforward.

Check out the full build video here:

Hope you like it...cheers!